
Week 4

Shorty Jangala Robertson

is an artists from Yuendumu, he was born in Jila (Chilla Well) in 1925. He lived a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle with his parents, older brother and extended Warlpiri family. They travelled vast distances across desert country. His childhood memories consist of stories associated with the Coniston massacre of Aboriginal people and close to Jila, families were shot at Wantaparri.

During his childhood Shorty had no contact with white people. During World War II, the army took people from Yuendumu to the other Warlpiri settlement at Lajamanu. Shorty was taken and separated from his mother however she came to get him, on foot and together they traveled hundreds of miles back to Chilla Well. Drought food and medical supplies forced Shorty and his family back to Yuendumu from time to time.

Because of shortys constant movement he
escaped the Central Desert art movement of the 1970’s and 1980’s. This has meant that Shorty’s paintings are fresh, and new. His use of colour to paint and interpret his dreamings of Ngapa (Water), Watiyawarnu (Acacia), Yankirri (Emu) and Pamapardu (Flying Ant) is vital, yet upholding the Warlpiri tradition. The artist well in his 70’s is an active member of Warlukurlangu Co-operative. He lives at
Yuendumu with his wife and artist Lady Nungarrayi Robertson.

His first solo exhibition at Alcaston Gallery in 2003 was met with great artistic acclaim.

His work is very different from other things that i have seen and this is probably because of his limited contact with the white people to influence his work he work from knowledge of his land and personal experience and this is what makes his work so powerful

Paddy Stewart Japaljarri

was born 1940 and started painting in 1971 at Papunya,Aboriginal Art Regions of Central Australia. Paddy S

Paddy is a very prolific traditional painter of Aboriginal mythology and a member of the Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Association in Yuendumu , Aboriginal Art Regions of Central Australia.

The fact that he was one of the artists that painted the honey dreaming mural is very important this is a very well known time in the development of indigenous art through my research it kept coming up as a very important thing. however its important to note that the mural was painted over with white paint which would have been a very symbolic action of trying to suppress the flourishing artistic movement.

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