
week 6

Liddy Napanangka Walker

was born in the 1930's however according to my research an exact date is unknown. Liddy started painting for Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Association soon after this art centre was established in the mid 80's in her community. Since then Liddy`s work has been widely exhibited, collected and published.

Liddy Napanangka Walker is a Warlpiri woman, She is a part of group of senior women artists, who have come to be thought of as `Painting Divas from the Desert, these artist`s works are highly dynamic and textural and conform to the strong colour palette associated to Yuendumu`s regional style of painting.

The main motif of this painting depicts the Wakirlpirri tree. The ‘’U’’ shaped figures depict women collecting Wakirlpirri on their parraja (food carriers). Napangardi and Napanangka women would pick the seeds of Wakilpirri.

A sweet drink is made from this plant. Boomerangs, dancing boards for ceremony and other implements are made from this wood. The sinuous lines are ngalyipi, snake vine. One of the uses for this vine is to attach ceremonial poles to the body when dancing for sacred business. The circles are mulga trees, which are used to make the witi poles.This Dreaming travels from Jarrarda-Jarrayi through to Puturlu (Mt Theo) west of Yuendumu. The Dreaming belongs to Japanangka and Japangardi men, Napanangka and Napangardi women.

Liddy's work uses a colour pallet that is very distinctive using pinks and orange it makes her work very distinctive i would like to see some of her work in a gallery to see this eye popping colour in the flesh

Betty Carrington

was born on Texas Downs, but grew up with her family at the old Turkey Creek Post Office (now the Warmun Art Centre) and Police Station. Betty’s father was a Police Tracker and her family lived at this place untill the closure of the station, after this time the family moved back to Texas Downs. Betty worked on Texas as a housekeeper,

Betty's painting style is delicate and soft - she uses a large range of ochre mixes. Re-occurring references in her paintings are the hills of her fathers land

Betty and her partner Patrick Mung Mung, as well as her brother, artist Hector Jandany, are constant figures at the Warmun Art Centre teaching, by example the younger members of their talented extended family the Ngarrankarni

you cant see in this photo but the texture of this work is unbelievable it would be a great piece to see in real life i think the texture would give this painting a quality that would make it hard to pass in a gallery

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